
Live Stream Replays

Weekly Events

For a weekly sprinkling of #TonisFairyDust

• Mondays: 1:30pm to 2pm (BST/GMT) – Critical Reflections / The Toni McLelland Show (LiveStream)

• Mondays: 4pm to 5pm (BST/GMT) – The Community Hub Power Hour – Enquire, then Join Here

• Fridays: 12pm to 1pm (BST/GMT) – The Startup Hub for Social Entrepreneurs – Enquire

Monthly Events

Network and Connect
Takes place on the first Monday of every month from 12pm to 1pm (BST/GMT). Hosted by Toni, it’s a monthly networking event to:
  • Expand your network
  • Meet others
  • Share your business
It’s complimentary and online so join from anywhere across the globe. Contact us for the event link and secure your place. See you there!.

Guest Podcasts

Who we are speaks louder than any title we hold. Let's introduce ourselves with heart and authenticity, focusing on our passions, values, and what makes us unique.
How do you define yourself beyond your title?

‘Connect and Network’ is a monthly zoom event that @1stLifeGroup hosts
Join us for an incredible opportunity to spark meaningful conversations and build valuable connections right here on LinkedIn!

Register here 👇
This event is the first Monday of every…

Save the dates - upcoming events with @Toni McLelland

💎Monday 14th October 2pm BST- THE SECRET TO EFFECTIVE NETWORKING with guest Paul Smolinski on #Linkedinlivestream Register here:-

Bring those questions and Toni looks forward to welcoming you!

Save the dates - upcoming events with @Toni McLelland

💎Monday 7th October 12pm BST - ‘CONNECT AND NETWORK’ Complimentary (zoom) online networking so come grow and share your business. Meet others and get introductions with Toni Register here:-

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