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Live Stream Replays

Weekly Events

For a weekly sprinkling of #TonisFairyDust

• Mondays: 1:30pm to 2pm (BST/GMT) – Critical Reflections / The Toni McLelland Show (LiveStream)

• Mondays: 4pm to 5pm (BST/GMT) – The Community Hub Power Hour – Enquire, then Join Here

• Fridays: 12pm to 1pm (BST/GMT) – The Startup Hub for Social Entrepreneurs – Enquire

Guest Podcasts

Active listening is key in communication.👂

By truly listening to your team, you gain valuable insights, understand their needs, and make better decisions.

Wishing you a fantastic Wednesday!

Join my community: http://www.1stlifegroup.com/join-the-community

#1stLifeGroup #TonisFairyDust

Understanding your purpose is important.

Focus on who you can truly help.

If you've been in an industry for a long time, consider starting there - your expertise is a great starting point.

Have a fantastic Monday! 🌟


#1stLifeGroup #TonisFairyDust

Thank you so much for your kind words, Sandra! 🙏

It was a pleasure working with you and I'm thrilled to hear about the positive impact our sessions had on you and your business.

👉 Book an introductory consultation: http://www.1stlifegroup.com/services/start-ups-and-social-entrepreneurs

#1stLifeGroup #SocialEntrepreneurs

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